Mojo minified logo


Klettabær offers specialized services for children with complex problems.
Starting with an empty paper, we helped Klettabær in rebranding their digital presence. With a new logo, new colors, new website and more.

klettabaer Logo | Mojo Software

Our involvement

We created a design system for Klettabær that they use as a guideline for all their digital assets. We worked closely with Klettabær on a brand new logo, website, brochures, social media images and more.

We programmed the website using the design we produced and launched it quickly and effectively using GatsbyJS and Prismic CMS.

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Simplicity for the win

We worked closely with Klettabær to completely redesign their branding and logo.

We started by coming up with a color pallette and many different version of their logo and other digital assets that they use in their branding.

After a few rounds of feedback we settled with the color pallette and logo design displayed here on the right.

The end result is a new brand that Klettabær are ecstatic with and that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.


Where it all comes together

The idea behind the design is to catch the friendly atmosphere that Klettabær stands for but professional at the same time. On the technical side, we use Prismic as a content management system so the website fully customisable.


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